Welcome to BassBusters!
We specialise in offering guided bass-fishing tours throughout the estuaries of the South-East of Ireland, along with all logistical, equipment and accommodation needs relating to your trip.
Our Offering
At BassBusters, we provide guided fishing tours specialising in Estuary bass-fishing throughout the Wexford, Waterford and Cork region. Our expert guides have over 40 years experience catching bass, ensuring they have the expertise to provide a great bass-fishing
experience for all clients.
We provide all tackle and equipment needed, along with a choice of craft to suit either estuary fishing or off-shore lure & fly work for your sessions. We also provide B&B accommodation where you can stay alongside your fishing guide, and transport to and from your fishing locations. Secure off-street car parking is also provided for the duration of your stay.
The Fishing
We find that the bass which you can expect to catch in the estuaries tend to be short and fat fish, they can weigh up to 8-9 lbs at 62cm in length, due to the good feeding all year round. These fish can be both mentally and physically challenging to fight in strong estuary currents. We fish the shore just as much as we fish on craft, and we fish the estuaries the majority of the time as in our experience this is the best place to catch large bass.
Fishing conditions in the estuary can depend on many variables such as the moon, wind and water colour, and so every day's fishing is different. The crucial factor is knowing when and
where to fish and that is where having an experienced guide comes in.
Bass conservation in the region is our top priority and so we follow a catch & release policy. We also use single-hook lures so as to not damage the released fish.
Please contact us via the phone number or email address provided at the bottom of this page to discuss and book your tour with us prior to paying any booking deposit.
Our season extends from the beginning of May until the end of October, please book early as accommodation is limited to 6 anglers per day.